
So my boyfriend and i were moving house or something and I remembered we had a pet hamster who I hadn’t cleaned or anything for ages. So I got him out and he was still alive but with loads of babies and lived in a dirty cage.

I went to clean the cage and tried to get hamsters out and put them in smaller cages but they all just kept running away and my boyfriend was just sat on the bed not helping just telling me where they had run. And I eventually rounded them all up and put them in the bath whilst I cleaned their cage.

I found loads of our old clothes in there cage which they had stolen and used as bedding All with holes in and filthy.

I went to the bathroom and found my mum had started running a bath so I screamed at her about the hamsters but only saw one in the bath swimming. I guessed the others had escaped so I drained the bath to save the last hamster. When the water had gone he scuttled to the plug hole and squeezed down it and disappeared forever but I was happy because I knew that’s where they lived in the wild and they would be super happy but we had to wait at least 24 hours to have a bath to ensure they all got out ok.