Work, Monkey and Parks and Rec

Not sure how this dream started out; it’s also pretty boring, but I was at work and walked out the office. I got to car park and there was a sign which said car park 1 for nostalgia. I was quite confused and a girl asked me what it was, anyway this girl struck up conversation with me and we discovered the sign was saying that the car park was for people who had worked their 5 years or more or where super old. I noticed down the side of the building there was another side that said car park 3 so obviously we started talking about where car park 2 was. The girl then introduced herself and gave me a hug. She said her name was something like Lennyako. Pretty sure that’s not a real name. Anyway we both walked out the car park and noticed a building site across the road and decided that would be car park 2.


I wasn’t supposed to be leaving at that point but got carried away conversing with the girl and decided to move my car.

On the way to the car there were loads of ornament elephants which I was tempting to steal and take home (I collect them).

When I got to the car there was a giant car sized wooden rhino parked behind me and a giant wooden elephant in front so I was angry and like how am I supposed move my car with them in the way. But I found some strength and moved the rhino out the way. As I did a girl (who I work with, will call her 1) got out the car in front and kissed Lennyako. I said to 1 I thought you had a boyfriend and she told me it was over and she was now dating Lennyako. Just as this happened a bus pulled up and loads of people I went to school with got out.

I said hi to them; apparently I was expecting to see them; one girl started talking about different things and making jokes and waiting for people to applaud, which by now there were loads of people queueing for a bus; it turned out her dad was a stand-up comedian so she was trying jokes for him.

Anyway the guy I went to prom with in year 11 came up to me and said I was needed at a bar. Suddenly the dream skipped to me being in a bar with loads of people.

I was told by someone to go in a back room, where Lesley Knope and Ann Perkins off of Parks and Rec were talking; I was shown a mirror and was told it was 2 way; just as that happened some reported came in and I had to pretend I was cleaning or something. The room was super dark and very Victorian so a bit spooky.

The reporters left and Lesley and Ann were still arguing. the dream then skipped and I was in a dark room in a bed; I got up and went for breakfast my mum asked me what all the noise was and I said I didn’t know what she was talking about; then my brain flashed back to a ‘memory’ that I was in bed and my pet monkey had climbed out of his crib and was swinging on a crib that was hung to the ceiling, the room seemed to be the same as the back room in the bar with the dark wood and things; so I told my mum this and she asked me to drive her somewhere. I started to drive her car then the dream skipped back to being in the room with Lesley and Ann arguing.

I looked out the window and saw a water park; this then triggered another dream memory where I had been to the water park as a child.

I looked back at Lesley and Ann and one of them threw something; it landed on a button and the 2 mirror moved out the way and the people in the bar could see in the room. Lesley and Ann were still arguing; but it was about the people in the bar so I kept trying to warn them and when they noticed they just looked shocked. I don’t remember anything else really apart from random snippets like one point I was in a massive food hall, like the harry potter one but I think it was at Disneyland and my cousin was there and something about his girlfriend wanting to me to get rid of the monkey. I think there was a lot of dreaming about the monkey but I don’t remember it.