Murder, waterpark and Kilgrave

Last night i woke up at exactly 3 am and remembered the dream i was having. i tried to remember it all to write but i fell asleep and can only remember the basics.

I was either part of a gang or an undercover cop and was at a party. there were lots of murders at the party and for some reason i was both investigating who was doing it and helping them dispose of the body by sending them to giant food processors. i remember something about it being in a mansion/hotel and there were loads of people oblivious to what was going on and at one point i think i was waitressing.

The next dream i had after i fell back asleep. i was at a water park with 2 of my friends from school, they were trying to persuade me to go on a massive ride which was terrifying and super high. i refused and said I’d watch over there bags. They left their bags on a table and we went to some food court area and tried to get some lockers when i decided i would go on the ride after all. we turned round to get the bags and they were missing. I then decided to go investigating and try and find who had stole them and behind a building i was a man with loads of luggage trying to sell items to a group of massive Chavs. i saw my friends bags and went to confront them when i realized the man who had them was evil. (kind if like Kilgrave from Jessica Jones) I then exited the water park through loads of turny doors and automatic ones that were going far too slowly and had to jump loads of turnstiles which was annoying.

I got to the car park and i only vaguely remember this part of the dream but the evil Kilgrave type guy had a spoon and it was spinning round his face and i realized he could control objects; but i realized he couldn’t control me by this time it had got to night fall so i started to make a plan of how to kill him and then i don’t remember any more of the dream

Vacuuming Ants and going back to uni

This dream occurred a couple of nights ago, no idea how it started

The office room lamp had a big waxy structure hanging; next to which were some ant like things. they were a see through dark red almost plastic looking, with the body of a human and the legs of an ant.
Me and the boyfriend look at them and every time we looked away more appeared and they kept reproducing. We grabbed the vacuum cleaner and tried to suck them all up, more and more kept reproducing and we were swapped with these weird ant things, they kept falling on our faces and crawling on our bodies it was awful. we kept vacuuming up and trying to get rid but more and more were appearing. we made it downstairs still hoovering these ants.
My cat came through covered in them and sat still letting me vacuum him (normally he hates the vac). We realized the vacuum was full of dust and ants and needed emptying. for ages we spent contemplating how to do it and decided to take it outside and empty down a drain; what we hadn’t realized we there were more Ant like creatures reproducing from the office room. i vaguely remember the dream cut like a cliffhanger from a film or TV show and then i was into a different dream.
This one took place at university; i have decided to go back for some reason and was looking round with my parents; i remember panicking about needed to go to another building across the road but couldn’t get in time because it was being demolished.
I went into a room to go to a lecture and i could hear my parents nagging me to set the table i kept telling them i had to go to my lecture it was more important but they kept insisting. I went outside and couldn’t see my parents so i looked over a balcony down some stairs and saw them waiting for me to set a table for tea time. i shouted at them for being rude and went back into the lecture classroom. the lecturer stood up and began talking then the lights went out for a few seconds. i went to turn them back on and as they came on i woke up to my boyfriend turning the bedroom light on in the morning.